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Fool Moon acappella band


Fool Moon

Hungary’s No. 1, internationally acclaimed pop acappella group, Fool Moon has an over 23-year history of advocating pop-acappella music – performing pop songs without instruments – in Hungary, which has now resulted in an unprecedented popularity of pop acappella with the Hungarian public. Their witty and enterntaining, yet skillful and sophisticated style appeal to the general public as well as to musically trained audiences. Through their out-of-the-ordinary music lessons, master classes, and TV appearances, Fool Moon has brought acappella music to the centre of attention and has fuelled the foundation of a considerable number of acappella groups.
Fool Moon has so far released 7 albums, 13 international and Hungarian awards and prizes, and the band has collaborated with many of the most prestigious artists of the Hungarian music scene.

Mészáros Tamás

1983.02.04., Kapuvár,
Tenor of Fool Moon since 2009.
Responsible for social media contents.

Molnár Gábor

1974.02.05., Szeged,
Tenor of Fool Moon since 2001.
Studio and producer works, arranging,
photos and videos.

Németh Miklós

1976.04.15., Szentes,
Bass of Fool Moon since 2001.
Arranging, art directing,
web works and organizing.

Vavra Bence

1994.01.30., Szeged,
Tenor of Fool Moon since 2017.
Music writing, studioworks.

Wodala Barnabás

1979.01.13., Szeged,
Baritone of Fool Moon since 2002.
Translations, bilingual announcing.


Kiss Anikó

Manager of Fool Moon since 2014,
organizing press, booking, performances,
contracts and media appearances.

Gáti Péter

1980.03.25., Budapest,
Sound engineer of Fool Moon since 2007.
Mixing, audio technique,

Alltime supporters

Zsiga Renáta team – hair
Footmark (Meszlényi Tamás, Officír József) – batteries

Höltzl Gergely (Arteria Design) – photo, video, graphics, design
Veress Nikoletta – styling
Bába Betti, Csikász Katalin – graphics, design

Story, prizes

Fool Moon Story
  • 2001
    Fool Moon 2001

    2001 - The beginning

    The band is formed on the 1st of September after a gig on a friend’s wedding. On the 3rd of October the first real concert was held on the Dugonics square in Szeged.

Neverending Story

Fool Moon 2001-2021