Tour abroad, featuring

2007 - Tour abroad, featuring
At the year’s beginning Fool Moon sings the Presser-Novák composed birthday song at the 50th anniversary of Füles crossword magazine. Fool Moon is invited to several galas and celebrations. In June they travel to Milano with Mujahid Zoltán where they sing in Blue Note. At the Musical Court they sing with Szekeres Adrien, and they sing vocals on Magna Cum Laude’s “Átkozott nők”. Fool Moon invites Acappella ExpreSSS (RU), New Swing Quartet (SLO), Ois Voice (AT) and Four Fathers (HU) to their own festival.
Important gigs: Halbturn, Puskás Ferenc commemoration, Szekeres Adrien Sport Arena, MTV Krém, München, Dachau, Wien, Kaposvár Army Band concert