20 years

2021 - 20 years
The year starts with tremendeous news, the band wins the A Cappella Video Awards in Los Angeles in “Best Rock Video” category. The winner is Stairway To Heaven (Fool Moon feat. Ludovique & FMaN). Meanwhile, Fool Moon is also invited to the Bud Spencer-Terence Hill festival in Germany, and during the preparations Cristina Pedersoli, Bud Spencer’s daughter, expresses her liking and shares the band’s “Krumplis Hal” videoclip.
While the Covid-epidemic is slowly winding down, the live concert recordings will continue, the first real concert will take place in Baja in June. In August, the boys will host Zsófi Tarján (Honeybeast) at the Muzsikalo Udvar, and then they sing at SZIN. On August 30, at Mihály Ráday’s funeral, they sing “If the Angels Come” with Edina Szirtes “Mókus”.
In September they travel to Templin for the Bud Spencer-Terence Hill festival, then fly to Bari for a concert and a workshop. The Fool Moon Acappella Festival is canceled again in 2021, for the rest of the year the group gives student concerts and perform at the Prima Gala in Kecskemét.
At the end of the year they release music videos for 3 new Christmas songs.
Important concerts: Muzsikalo Udvar, SZIN, Templin, Bari