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Stockholm, 15 years

Fool Moon - Don't Worry (Madcon)

2016 - Stockholm, 15 years

They start the year with a big throw: Gábor, Barni, Márk and Tamás representing Fool Moon with vocal for Gábor Alfréd Fehérvári in The Song 2016. Freddie becomes the winner of the competition so they are able to represent Hungary together at the Stockholm Eurovision Song Contest. Fool Moon sings at the Tüskecsarnok at the 20th annual concert of Bon-Bon, and then during the year they continue their usual, humorous club concerts on the stage of the Orpheum. They sing at Music FM’s birthday party, then perform in Leipzig in May, and later perform in Graz, Munich and Augsburg. They make a videoclip about Szeged with the arrangement of MadCon’s Don’t Worry. They perform at SZIN in August, and Fool Moon hosts Freddie at the Musical Court in Szeged. In October the Fool Moon Acappella Festival is held again in Szeged, where Peder Karlsson holds an acappella workshop alongside, and also the Slovak ForYou and the Dutch iNtrmzzo performs. The band prepares for their grand concert in December to celebrate their 15th anniversary in MOM Cultural Centre.

Important gigs: Bon-Bon Symphonic concert, Leipzig Acappella Festival, Sunny Festival, II. Budapest Acappella Festival, Music Court, COLOR, Munich, Augsburg, Fool Moon 15 years – MOM


Fool Moon 2001-2021